February 16, 2024 - Truckers
On Friday February 16, 2024 - Donald Trump family was found guilt of fraud in New York state, with a $354 million dollar penalty.
These Truckers are AGAIN "Stand up for the Big Guy" with no self awareness. They are standing up for an icon of wealth and status symbols.
"The Little Guy" has lost their ability to understand the wealth running Fox News, Newsmax, Twitter, Facebook, etc.
"The Little Guy" thinks "The Government" is against "The Little Guy". WHICH Government? Putin/Russia is against "The Little Guy". Tucker Carlson is against "The Little Guy", Fox News + Newsmax are against "The Little Guy"
The Little Guy is unable to get quality information off the Internet. The Little Guy is bombarded with noise and junk on search engines, social media sites, by Tucker Carlson praising Putin, by fake insincere social media accounts with no REAL address, no REAL person. Journalists + Information Systems creators have SOLD OUT
Information Systems have made PROFIT their key motive. And just like Edward Bernays with "Torches of Freedom" in 1929, they hire psychology / psychiatry experts on how to use PEER PRESSURE and media systems to give a send of trending/growing popularity of a topic, brand, name
Discussions on Reddit Sunday Morning, February 18 2024